Friday, May 8, 2020

What Questions Should I Ask Before Submitting My Essay Samples?

What Questions Should I Ask Before Submitting My Essay Samples?When I was first getting into writing and submitting samples of argumentative essay to editors, I found that it is a very difficult task to do. There are several questions that I would ask myself before actually submitting my work. Here are a few of the questions that I would ask before actually submitting my essay samples.What type of audience would it be written for? The first question that I would ask is the kind of audience that I would expect to see my essay samples for. Since you may not be submitting them to an editor, but more likely to a reader, you should include some ideas as to the type of audience that would find this material useful. If you were submitting to an online journal, for example, then a somewhat more technical audience would find your materials.How persuasive is the material? This is what I would look for in terms of the persuasive nature of the material. You should consider if this would be a for m of article, a dissertation, or some other academic writing.Would there be any evidence in support of the information that you are presenting? This is a key question in regards to whether or not you are presenting good arguments. Since these will be the final judge's decision, it is important that the information you present is supported by the facts that you have presented.If there are no facts to support the information, then what is the point of presenting it in the first place? If you are trying to get somebody else to accept your argument, then you should make sure that it is a real argument and not just some grand and new idea.Another question that I would ask when analyzing samples of argumentative essay is how persuasive are the organization and format of the pieces. This is one of the reasons why I always check to see if they are written in an organized and formatted manner. Often times a certain type of organization and format does make the piece more persuasive.These are just a few of the questions that I ask myself when reviewing samples of argumentative essay before submitting them. The next time you submit a sample of argumentative essay, just remember these questions to make sure that you are submitting good arguments and not just giving off some new ideas for an essay that you are writing.

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